
Your Gifting Made Easy

At Everything Created we know how hard it can be to find a great gift and get it to a family member or friend who lives far away. Let us do it for you! For a small fee, we will gift wrap and send your gift straight to your loved one. 

What are the benefits of sending as a gift?

  • Saves you time
  • Saves money, ship only once
  • Easy and convinient 

What does the gift wrapping include?

  • Gift wrap you can choose specific to your occasion.
  • The product(s) you have chosen, beautifully gift wrapped
  • One of our  cards, filled in with your own personalized message

So, how do I do it?

  • Check the gift wrap box on the products you would like gift wrapped, select the relevant occasion and fill in the text for your card message
  • Make sure to use your details on the billing address and the intended recipients details and address into the “shipping address” area on the checkout page. 

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